Thinus Pool Apps

BRUIDSgids & WEDDINGguide 1.0.1
Thinus Pool
Congratulations & welcome. We are asexcited about your wedding day as you are! We want to equip you inplanning one of the most memorable days of your lives. No need tofeel overwhelmed when deciding on a wedding venue, seating theguests or staying on top of your check lists. We have you covered!Wedding Guide provides the perfect platform between wedding serviceprovider and the bridal couple to avoid disappointment. Brides,find that wedding dress that you have dreamt of since you were alittle girl. Match your wedding shoes; gather ideas on bridal hair,make-up and other beautification from our real weddings blog.Grooms, allow us to assist you in your personal needs, fears andanxieties around getting married. Choose the perfect honeymoondestination with the help of our travel agencies or localguesthouse suppliers in the wedding directory. Get tips on thegroom’s speech and plan your wedding budget online. Hire a weddingcoach, car, carriage or whatever means of transport available.Couples, make an informed decision on the wedding planner and thephotographer, by judging their work from the image galleries weprovide online. With a variety of musical entertainment, you canchoose the trendy wedding DJ or go the classic route and hire alive band or a professional orchestra. Wedding cakes, save time andmoney on driving around looking for flowers, decor, draping,candles, tents or catering by contacting the wedding suppliersdirectly from this app.
We Sell Cars 4.5.0
Thinus Pool
Motor Dealers - Source your pre-owned carstock from us. We sell affordable used cars at good prices. Oursecond hand car stock is diverse, and we currently serve a varietyof is a Wholesale Outlet for diverseMotor-Vehicles of all sorts, primarily in the lower to medium priceranges, with some exceptions now and then.We Sell Cars sell almost exclusively to the Trade and isessentially the selling arm of operate from the WBC Wholesale Warehouse at No 6 Bosberg Road inthe N4 Industrial Business Park in Pretoria East. It isconveniently located next to the N4 Highway, between Silver Lakesand Mamelodi.
We Buy Cars 1.400
Thinus Pool
We Buy Cars offer a unique and comprehensiveservice where they buy your car from you, at your home orwork-place in a quick and efficient, streamlined way where youstill get a very good price!Now, offers you the opportunity to sell your carprivately in a secure and predictable environment, in a quickefficient and streamlined way where you don't have to worry aboutany of the above.We come to you.We pay cash, by any means you prefer.We complete all relevant documents together, in order to satisfyall legal requirements.We can take the car away directly after payment, or we couldarrange a secured transaction where you keep the car for theduration of an agreed upon period.
Mathys Roets 4.1.1
Thinus Pool
In die verlede, was ek baie keer onseker oormyself, veral as ek in 'n moeilike situasie beland het of 'n krisismoes hanteer. Noudat ek vierkantig daarmee gekonfronteer word, isdit vir my lekker om te weet ek het nie moed opgegee nie.Mathys Roets het sy musiekloopbaan in 1989 begin toe hy met sykitaar in die hand, in 'n winkelsentrum in Pretoria, vir fooitjiesgesing het. In 1996 maak hy 'n belangrike deurbraak met sydebuutproduksie op die KKNK. In hierdie vertoning, Nokturne, singhy die musiek van Koos du Plessis. Die musiek van Koos du Plessishet Mathys, met sy donker fluweelstem, soos ’n handskoen gepas.Deur sy loopbaan het Mathys bekendheid verwerf vir sy sielvollevertolkings van die wêreld se mooiste ballades, veral die musiekvan Leonard Cohen, Roger Whittaker en Neil Diamond. Die pad wat hygestap het, was nie maklik nie. Hy het harde bene gekou, selfluidsprekers rondgedra en van restaurant na restaurant gegaan omdaar te sing, maar toe hy uiteindelik raakgesien word, het dingebehoorlik vir hom vlam gevat.Op 6 April 2009, op pad na die KKNK in Oudtshoorn, ry Mathys metsy geel BMW-motorfiets van die pad af. Dae lank hang sy lewe aan ʼndraadjie en uiteindelik reik die Rosepark Hospitaal ʼn verklaringuit: Mathys is verlam. Ten spyte van hierdie terugslag, besluitMathys om vorentoe te kyk en steeds voluit te leef.Steeds Mathys is die inspirerende lewensverhaal van MathysRoets, soos vertel aan Alita Vorster. Dis 'n verhaal wat lesers sallaat glimlag, maar ook aangryp en besiel. Na die lees van hierdieboek moet ’n mens wonder hoe jy enige uitdaging as te groot kanbeskou!
Magnetic Mobile SA 4.0.2
Thinus Pool
Native Mobile ApplicationsWe create beautiful iPhone, iPad, Android & HTML5 MobileAppsfor Businesses on all platforms, including iPhone 4, iPhone 5,iPadmini, iPad, iPod, Android and Html 5 for other smart phones.And that is just the start…Delivering beautiful and functional Mobile Apps and MobileWebsitesis just the beginning of the journey for your business totakeadvantage the mobile app revolution. Magnetic Mobile willbecome anextension of your digital and mobile marketing arm and wewill helpleverage your mobile apps to add to your bottom line.STEP 1360° SolutionYou get full consultation, beautiful designed mobileapps,professional build and deployment service into the mobileappstores.STEP 2App PromotionWe work with businesses and deliver powerful strategies andmethodsto help you get your mobile apps into yourcustomer’spockets.STEP 3PerformanceOur mobile apps analytics package allows businesses tomeasuredownloads, bookings, reservations, consultations, poundsspent andmuch more.STEP 4Mobile Marketing ArmOur real service starts here. We help promote your mobileapps,adapt and leverage our mobile app technology to getconsistentreturns.We specialise in social network marketing and will work withyourmarketing company to market your business on all the socialmedialike LinkenIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others.
Smile Care 1.399
Thinus Pool
Welcome to the Smile Care Dental Centre! AtSmile Care we strive to bring you an unsurpassed service andquality of dentistry that will truly bring a brighter smile to yourface. We specialize in aesthetic dentistry and have years ofexperience in restoring the health and brightness of your smile.Our services cover all aspects of your dental health from childdentistry to major tooth repairs and surgery...
Premier Hotel & Spa Cullinan 4.4.2
Thinus Pool
THE CULLINAN PREMIER HOTEL AND SPA IS A TRUEHISTORICAL LANDMARK!This grand old building that houses the The Cullinan Premier Hoteland Spa offers an entertaining experience for all guests. Aromantic, invigorating, relaxing, aromatherapy Cullinan Hotel Spacan be ordered. The Spa also offers an in-room service in oursuites. The hotel offers business and leisure travellers easyaccess to Pretoria, Johannesburg and O.R. Tambo InternationalAirport. It is conveniently situated in the Charming HistoricalVillage of Cullinan – Cullinan Attractions within walking distanceto Antique shops ,restaurants, the famous Cullinan Diamond Mine –Petra Mine and the rich history that surrounds it.The Cullinan Premier Hotel and SpaIt is believed that the hotel was built in 1905, the firstreference to the hotel was made in 1907. The Premier Hotel is atribute to yester year.At that time a Mr. Heymaan was running the hotel and shops. Itwas stated in the minutes that the buildings would be bought fromMr. Heymaan. It is unlikely that the hotel was built by Mr. Heymaanas the original plans of the hotel have Premier Transvaal D M Co.Ld. as a caption, the buildings being referred to, were probablythe shops. The Co-operative Society continued to run the hoteluntil it closed in 1988.The Hotel was taken over by the army during the war, but accesswas limited to commissioned ranks only. eventually managed to get.The hotel was eventually opened to all ranks but only in 1941 aftermuch correspondence by the mine. Across the road is the annex whichwas also built by the army. Situated where the Cullinan Hotels carpark is now located was a garage called Nichol’s, where he also rana taxi service. The mine sold the hotel and the building has beenre-furbished and it is once again been opened for business and isrun by Maudie Smit who has boundless experience in HospitalityIndustry and also owns the Cullinan Diamond Inn which is inaffiliation with the Cullinan Premier Hotel and Spa.
Hoërskool Zwartkop 4.5.4
Thinus Pool
Hoof se boodskapWaar talle mense en die media algaande meer en meer met somberemosies na die toekoms van onderwys verwys, is ons in HoërskoolZwartkop opgewonde oor 'n steeds stygende grafiek. In Zwarrielandpraat ons nie van probleme nie, veel eerder van uitdagings.Die personeelkorps van Hoërskool Zwartkop is terdeë bewus vandie feit dat ons kernbesigheid kinders is. Ons is ingestel oponderwys wat karakter bou, wat tot ontdekkings lei en wat dietoekoms ontsluit. Binne die grense van Zwarrieland gaan dit oormeer as die versameling van kennis van feite - eerder hoe om feitete laat leef, die toekoms te ontsluit en die vestiging vanlewenswaardes.In Zwarrieland word Zwarries geleer om gou verantwoordelikheidte aanvaar as beeldhouers van hul loopbane en kan jy verwag om asZwarrie baie te kap, beitel, skuur en poleer. Die skool is dan ookgraag mede-skrywer van die sukses verhaal van ons kinders.
Christian Revival Church 4.0.12
Thinus Pool
Win the lost at any cost! This is thepowerfulmotto of CRC Christian Church.CRC was established in 1994 by Senior Pastors At andNyrettaBoshoff in Bloemfontein, South Africa. CRC took on themandate toreach and care for local communities, seeking to caterfor, andmeet the needs of the modern person.The Church is a vibrant mixture of Biblical authenticityandcontemporary style which reflects in everything it does.Everyendeavor is launched with the mandate in mind, and evaluatedon thegrounds of how people are won effectively for Jesus Christ,andhelped to discover the life that God has in mind for them.Pastor At personally Pastors seven congregations that operateas“One Church in Many Locations”, namely the Bloemfontein,Pretoria,Johannesburg, Welkom, George, Thaba Nchu and Botshabelolocations.These churches have a combined membership of more than 53000members!Pastor At commutes between the Bloemfontein and Pretorialocationon a weekly basis. The state-of-the-art Pretoria facilityhasrecently been completed and caters for 7000 people in themainauditorium sanctuary.Live-link technology has been developed and is used weeklytobroadcast services from Bloemfontein to various locations,provingto be a great success and innovative medium to expandoperations inas many venues as possible to fore fill the vision ofOne Church inMany locations. Since the inception and developmentother locationshave joined live-link services in over 22 othernational locations,including radio stations, correctionalfacilities and internetbased stream avenues.Apart from being one of the fastest growing churches inSouthernAfrica, CRC Bloemfontein serves as the administrational hubfor allthe operations of CRC International and is the headquartersandliaison with 90 branch in Southern-Africa (Namibia,Botswana),Malawi, UK, Ukraine, Pakistan and Australia.People from all walks of life have made CRC their spiritualhomeand found not merely a church, but joined a family. CRC is notonlya haven to reach out to the needy through innovativeandground-breaking community projects, but also cares for the needsofthe entrepreneur, the professional, the athlete, the student,theparent, the child and every other member of society.Join Pastors At and Nyretta in growing this Jesus revolution,toreach every man, woman and child for Jesus in your world!Our mission is simply to Mend the nets, the catch willbeGreat!
Moeggesukkel 4.0.3
Thinus Pool
Moeggesukkel is a non-profit company withtheaim to be:A friend in need.A provider of shelter.A support structure for individuals and organisations.To develop skills in our society for all of its citizens.At Moeggesukkel we believe that no matter what challenges youfacein life, you will NEVER be tested above your abilities.Remember –You are BLESSED! The Golden Rule sums it up “So ineverything, doto others what you would have them do to you, forthis sums up thewhole of the Law”. From this rule we realized thatwe are ourbrothers’ keeper, and we must assist our neighbours intheir timeof need.VisionTo become a multi-national organization that is the leaderinassisting the victims of various traumatic events to bevictoriousin breaking the strongholds by providing them with freeresidentialcare and a psycho-social development program that catersfor alltheir needs as well as counselling services for their lovedones toensure their successful reintegration back intosociety.MissionWe achieve our Vision through:Giving Hope to the hopeless: HOPE – Helping OtherPeopleExcel.Providing free residential care and personalized psychosocialdevelopment programs.Developing skills and creating jobs that assists the individualinregaining Self-Respect.Training, equipping and releasing individuals,organisations,companies and institutions to benefit from theultimate advantageof godly standards and values.We do all this by maintaining a great reputation for thewisemanagement of funds and resources.
Koopkrag South Africa 4.5.1
Thinus Pool
About UsUntil 1937 buying association activity was pretty limitedinPretoria. In an effort to increase their turnover dealersstartedgranting credit facilities to the general public by theearlythirties. They achieved their initial goal but it wasaccompaniedby increased outstanding debt and the related cash flowproblems.Something had to be done. Their solution, they startedgrantingdiscount on cash purchases and timely settlement ofaccounts.This seemed like the opportune moment to consolidatethepurchasing power (‘Koopkrag’) of the consumers in Pretoria andin1938 Koopkrag was formed. We opened an account on behalf ofourmembers at the different dealers, we ensured and guaranteedthatdifferent accounts were settled on the due date and thusqualifiedfor the dealer`s settlement discount. It is this discountthat wedistribute to our members as an annual bonus.Over the years we’ve grown our range of products and servicestoinclude a purchase card, hire purchase financing, personalloans,short-term insurance, purchase card budget facility, grouplifeinsurance, group funeral insurance etc. Today members can buyfroma variety of suppliers country wide.COMPANY DIRECTORSMr JH du Plessis (Chairperson), Mr AJ Jacobs, Dr AJ Van Wyk, MrMFLabuschagne, Mr R Taljaard.
IQ Smart - Reload Education 4.0.2
Thinus Pool
SOFTWARE FOR KINDERGARTEN TO THE 12TH GRADEFORIMPROVED NUMERACY AND LITERACY RESULTS!!WE CAN IMPROVE LEARNER MATHS MARKS BY 22,5%!Discover Math Trek, Language Trek, Science Trek and CompuTrekand many other innovative educational software titles designedbyteachers.We help students achieve their full potential andincreaseteacher effectiveness!!Provide students with unmatched opportunities to explore,learnand develop the skills they need to succeed. Students caninteractwith the programs, working at their own pace as they learnnewskills, knowledge and concepts. Provide teachers withgreatinstructional tools, teaching aides, and automatedassessmentmethods.Products cover the standard curriculum generallytaughtthroughout South Africa and the world. All products can beused aspart of an intervention strategy, however, several productsarespecifically targeted to help at-risk students
Snyman de Jager Att -Centurion 1.399
Thinus Pool
Established more than75 years ago, in1938,Snyman de Jager offers a wide range of legal services. Ourofficesare situated in Menlyn, Centurion and Midrand. We are openonSaturdaysby prior appointment.SNYMAN DE JAGER was originally founded by Mrs Joubert andBothain 1938 in Pretoria.Mr AR Snyman joined the firm in 1962 after which thefirmpracticed under the name Joubert & Snyman. Mr PP Delport(now aSenior Council at the Pretoria Bar) joined the firm during1970.When he left to futher his career at the Pretoria Bar, thefirm wasjoined by Mr NG Breytenbach. In the mean time Mr Corrie deJagerjoined the firm in 1976 and is currently one of ourDirectors.
Snyman de Jager Att - Menlyn 1.399
Thinus Pool
Established more than75 years ago, in1938,Snyman de Jager offers a wide range of legal services. Ourofficesare situated in Menlyn, Centurion and Midrand. We are openonSaturdaysby prior appointment.SNYMAN DE JAGER was originally founded by Mrs Joubert andBothain 1938 in Pretoria.Mr AR Snyman joined the firm in 1962 after which thefirmpracticed under the name Joubert & Snyman. Mr PP Delport(now aSenior Council at the Pretoria Bar) joined the firm during1970.When he left to futher his career at the Pretoria Bar, thefirm wasjoined by Mr NG Breytenbach. In the mean time Mr Corrie deJagerjoined the firm in 1976 and is currently one of ourDirectors.
Travel More - Referral Appy 1.0.1
Thinus Pool
Use this app as a powerful marketing tooltogrow your businessApply for your own username and password to take yourprospectiveclients and team to your own ‘Team Appy’ with directlinks to yourown website and pageThinking of starting your own business?" Opening your own home-based vacation club business canbelucrative, and it can also give you the chance to traveltheworld—if you start your business with WorldVentures!A home-based business allows you the flexibility to makeaschedule that works with your life. Not to mention,WorldVentures’direct-selling model makes it easy to set up yourbusiness, andwith our mobile apps, your business can go with you.No matterwhere you travel, you’ll always have access to the mostup-to-datenews, account information, social media tools, trainingand, ofcourse, the latest DreamTrips that have been added toourlists!Selling vacation club memberships with WorldVentures is notonlyconvenient, but also offers a wide array of products andpackagesfor your customer base.No matter who your customers are—retirees wanting to explore anewcountry, families needing an affordable getaway, newlywedsplanningtheir honeymoon, or even college students looking forSpring Breakoptions—we offer various levels of DreamTripsMemberships, eachtailored to member usage and budgets! Ourselection is whatprovides your business value, resulting insatisfiedcustomers.So, get ready for all of the convenience and fulfilment thatahome-based business can bring and get ready to find morefun,freedom and fulfilment with WorldVentures!" –
Karoo Cattle and Land - Irene 1.399
Thinus Pool
A leading steak-based restaurantIt looks like a steakhouse. Mmmm, it smells like asteakhouse.And it certainly tastes like a steakhouse. But KarooCattle &Land is more than just a steakhouse. It’s a topsteak-basedrestaurant. And a South African one at that, featuringtraditionalSA fare like bobotie and boerewors, as well as steakscut from thevery best South African beef. Although famous for itsred meat andribs, KC&L’s menu caters for all tastes andincludes asumptuous selection of the freshest SA fish and poultry,a choiceof vegetarian dishes and free salads. For thehealth-conscious,there’s even ostrich.
FJ Lubbe 4.0.1
Thinus Pool
Introducing Francois LubbeAre you working longer hours than you want to or ever thoughtyouwould beDo you want to regain the vision and dream that led youtoforming your own business in the first placeWhat would you do to regain control of your life and spendmoretime with family and friendsI am a certified Business Coach with ActionCOACH, the World’s#1Business Coaching Franchise (Entrepreneur Magazine, Jan. 2004&2005).As your coach, I will be working with you in five key areas.Theemphasis on each area depends on your needs, the type ofbusinessyou have, and your goals. The key areas are: Sales;Marketing andAdvertising; Team Building and Recruitment; Systemsand BusinessDevelopment; and, Customer Service.Prior to joining ActionCOACH I have had an outstanding careerof23 years in the financial industry. During my tenure Igainedinvaluable experience in the Small and Medium businessmarkets aswell as the Retail Market. Specific expertise on seniormanagementinclude a rare combination of sales, marketing, businessrisk,business planning, process efficiency, business change,marketsegmentation, customer service, product development ,businessvalue propositions and strategic management. I wasresponsible forvarious portfolios as a General Manager during theprevious 8 yearswhere I played a significant role in businessperformance, businesschange and development and coaching of people.I studied at theUniversity of Free State a B.Comm degree followedby Hons. B.Common a part time basis. I completed a Master degree inBusinessLeadership (MBL) at UNISA in 1993.The topic of his thesiswas Therole of Personal Sales in Business Enterprises. I completedanExecutive sales development program at INSEAD Business SchoolinFontainebleau, FRANCE. I believe a true leader is someone whonotonly leads by example, but also encourages his her followerstofulfil their own potential. Our attitude about the worlddefineshow our life unfolds. Live the fullest life possible. Toenjoysustainable wellness you must take responsibility to performinevery facet of your life being spiritual, physical,financial,emotional and happiness. My passion to help other peopleto achievesustainable results in their business and personal liveshas drivenme to become an ActionCOACH. I have a passion to helpother peoplegrow and explore new territories to achieve exceptionalresults andmake a difference in their lives. I believe the smallandmedium-sized business sector is the life-blood of the economy,withtremendous growth opportunities for millions of businessownersfrom a business growth and personal growth perspective. Mygoal isto help small business owners, such as yourself, spend lesstimeworking in your business and more time working on yourbusiness. Inthe end, you'll be spending less total time working andwill bemaking more money. I also like to help you put the FUN backin yourbusiness and your life.We define a successful business as: a commercial,profitableenterprise that works without you. As your BusinessCoach, I willfunction as an unreasonable friend who tells it likeit is andkeeps you working on the path toward your dreams.There is no time like the present, right now, to get startedonyour dreams and goals. If you are ready to move your businesstothe next level, contact me today for a FREE, NOOBLIGATIONconsultation. Find out how you can change the way you dobusinessto achieve the results you deserve!
Thinus Pool
Do you have a big idea or a hunch that youwishto turn into reality? If that is the case, don’t feel like youarethe only one! Most of the creative minds aspire to do that. I’msuremany of you have researched this possibility as well, but youmustbe taken aback with the kind of budget you may require toinvest foryour idea. Now with Zarfund you need not worry becausewith thesupport of likeminded people, Zarfund helps you get thefinance youneed. Whether it is a business idea or any financialneed, withZarfund you now get to have an online platform thatgives you accessand connects you with the people who are ready tohelp you.We at Zarfund help you with direct funding for yourfinancialneeds. With this program you are just a click away fromfinancialfreedom.Here’s how it works. After joining your level 1 upline’sreferrallink, you pay your upline 0.03btc per month to be in aposition toreceive the same from each of your level 1 downlines.This isfollowed by receiving the same amount from each of the twopeopleyou recruited. This initiates a chain such that withenoughcollection of funds from your level 1 downline you get toupgradeto level 2 in the same manner you joined. This processkeepsexpanding and helps you gain enough money in a convenientway.By joining our network everyone gets to share and enhanceeachother’s lives in a convenient and effective way.So now with Zarfund, the most reliable and accessibleplatform,you have a better future with high hopes and more freedom!Join nowto make a difference for yourself and others.ZARFUND was born out of the frustrations experienced withtwoother similar systems. We looked critically at the currentmodelsand wanted to fix the issues that plagued those systems tocreate asystem that would benefit our members. The shortcomings oftheother two systems and the frustrations it caused to members aswellas the admins of those programs necessitated arevolutionaryrethink of the system that removes all those issuesthat keeppeople from benefiting from the system as they should.No more waiting for confirmations.No more waiting for transactions to be confirmed betweenbanksand the delays with it.No more submitting of proof of payments.No more fake transactions and fake POPs
Bit Club Achievers 1.0.1
Thinus Pool
Bitclub Achievers is a global companythatoffers network leaders and investors a wide range of learninganddevelopment experiences and associated support services.Our vision is to inspire and work in partnership with peopleontheir journey towards financial and personal freedom in ordertoattain the highest quality of life possible. We provideconsultingand education services to the growing global market,coveringfields of cryptocurrencies, self-development, financialleadership,personal branding as well as self-empowerment andenablement.Our values subscribe to the highest level of professionalism,teamspirit and integrity. Based on our intimate understandingandexperience of the communities we serve, as well as thebusinessthat we are in, Bitclub Achievers is recognised as thegrandup-line for all network groups in Bitclub Network for theAfricanmarket.We hold the No.1 position as a strategic partner fornetworkbusiness expansion. Together we are spearheading thetransformationof the bureaucratic and controlled financial systems,into the dawnof the new era of self-enabling economic, financialand personalfreedom!
Property.CoZa_Thinus Pool 4.5.2
Thinus Pool
Take everything you thought you knew abouttheproperty industry, and throw it out of the proverbial baywindow.We'd like to introduce you to a real estate companythat'srewriting industry rules, building client relationshipsonintegrity, trust and professionalism and creatingexceptionalcareer opportunities for top real estate agents.Innovative,dynamic and agile, Property.CoZa is one of the fastestgrowing realestate companies in South Africa. An original businessmodel setsProperty.CoZa apart, attracting the country's finest realestateprofessionals. Thanks to a unique work environment, extensiveITinfrastructure, continuous in-house training anddevelopment,innovative marketing tools and supportive management,we have alarger network of top-notch agents in our team. A largernetwork ofquality property specialists means increased market sharein anarea.
Property.CoZa - HELDERBERG 4.5.2
Thinus Pool
Take everything you thought you knew abouttheproperty industry, and throw it out of the proverbial baywindow.We'd like to introduce you to a real estate companythat'srewriting industry rules, building client relationshipsonintegrity, trust and professionalism and creatingexceptionalcareer opportunities for top real estate agents.Innovative,dynamic and agile, Property.CoZa is one of the fastestgrowing realestate companies in South Africa. An original businessmodel setsProperty.CoZa apart, attracting the country's finest realestateprofessionals. Thanks to a unique work environment, extensiveITinfrastructure, continuous in-house training anddevelopment,innovative marketing tools and supportive management,we have alarger network of top-notch agents in our team. A largernetwork ofquality property specialists means increased market sharein anarea.
Property.CoZa_Ilse Louw 1.0.1
Thinus Pool
Take everything you thought you knew abouttheproperty industry, and throw it out of the proverbial baywindow.We'd like to introduce you to a real estate companythat'srewriting industry rules, building client relationshipsonintegrity, trust and professionalism and creatingexceptionalcareer opportunities for top real estate agents.Innovative,dynamic and agile, Property.CoZa is one of the fastestgrowing realestate companies in South Africa. An original businessmodel setsProperty.CoZa apart, attracting the country's finest realestateprofessionals. Thanks to a unique work environment, extensiveITinfrastructure, continuous in-house training anddevelopment,innovative marketing tools and supportive management,we have alarger network of top-notch agents in our team. A largernetwork ofquality property specialists means increased market sharein anarea.